Review notes from last Bagel Monday Weekly Review:
- Maggie still interested in helping out
- Ildiko is still helping with organizational structure and admin
- Bagel Monday was a success
- Bread Chart still needs work
- Bread trainings still need to be scheduled (database has been launched to keep track of trainees)
Area of Focus Updates
Bagel Monday
- Need to begin planning bagel condiments (Shakira is good connection to this)
- Bagel Monday production today was 30mins quicker than anticipated. Bagel batches baked 10-12 mins.
- 88 bagels (11 batches of 8 bagels) distributed at United Market
Bread Training
- Americorps bread training will take pace tomorrow
- Training Manual still needs work
Communal Oven
- Plans for the 17th St and Folsom lot include making half of it a park with the other half designated for buildings
- This might be an ideal sight for a communal oven
- There is community push to have the lot be devoted to an urban garden
- Mission Pie has agreed to loan kitchen space Feb. 3rd. Planning needs to go into what will be baked and how/whom it will be distributed to
- Ideally this could be determined by systematically trying to distribute a loaf of bread to every resident.
- Need supplies from TB by Friday
- Need a map of the Mission with bakery’s and residencies
- Ildiko is working on the website, she will be giving Danny writing assignments for the content of the site
- Sour Flour Essentials document is finished which presents the mission of Sour Flour along with Areas of Focus
- Spanish translation needed for this document
- Website needs to get daily posts
- Payroll was set up
- Funds are running low
- Applied for SBA loan
- Meeting tomorrow about donation letter
- Must begin Business Plan
- Must get volunteers on board
- Set date for volunteer meeting to designate volunteer roles
- Must begin to reach out to candidates to form Board of Directors