Before I started Sour Flour, I had decided I was going to try to give away 1000 free loaves of bread. I have been asked many times, “why?”, and have never really been able to give a good reason. In my mind it was just obvious: Free bread.
Anyway, because that answer doesn’t work for everyone, here are 20 good reasons to give away free bread. Please feel free to add to the list:
1. It’s fun
2. It doesn’t cost much to make
3. It’s good karma
4. It connects you with your community
5. It lets you practice your bread baking
6. It’s a way to communicate with others
7. It’s a good way to get feedback on your bread
8. It’s tasty
9. It’s healthy
10. It gets people thinking more about food
11. It is a good way to recruit people to your cause
12. It allows you to teach something
13. It’s a good way to get rid of something that would otherwise go bad
14. It can get you favors and return gifts in return
15. It helps you develop people skills
16. It’s a good source of energy
17. It gives people a view into your life
18. It shows people as you improve
19. It’s easy to do
20. It’s satisfying